EU: Pen to paper for EU Treaty of Lisbon
13th December: Each one of the 27 EU member countries has signed the EU Treaty of Lisbon.
di Staff
The European Comission hails the new legal framework signed today, 13th December, in Lisbon as the step that will bring Europe into the 21st century. According to the Commission: "To realise its full potential, the EU needs to modernise and reform. The new legal framework has been designed to do just that."
But what do they mean in practice and who should benefit?
The EC claims that the benefits will include:
- More democracy and openness ? if a million Europeans from several countries group together, they can call on the commission to make new policy proposals (?citizens? initiative?). And EU intervention will be monitored to ensure it only occurs where it will attain better results than national action alone.
- More efficiency ? decision making will be based on a double majority system from 2014 (meaning that a vote can only be carried by 55% of member countries, who must represent at least 65% of the EU?s population). The EU will be able to act more swiftly in matters of law and order, rooting out cross-border criminal activities.
- More rights ? the recently signed charter of fundamental rights, which now has the same legal status as the EU treaties themselves, will safeguard our basic human rights.
- More international clout ? the EU will have a single legal personality, strengthening its negotiating power and making it more effective on the world stage. And a new post for foreign affairs and security policy will increase the impact and coherence of EU action abroad.
Europe?s leaders have reached agreement. Now the national authorities must decide how the treaty will be ratified ? whether it will be voted on by the people or by their representatives. Either way, the hope is that the new treaty will be in force by the next European elections in June 2009.
What will this mean, if anything, for civil society?
- Luca Jahier: New EU treaty is a small step forward for civil society
- Spain: Treaty of Lisbon not sustainable say NGOs
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