
EU: More best practices with green element needed

The majority of European corporates have yet to introduce a green supply chain policy, according to a survey by management consultancy Bearing Point

di INSnet intl

The majority of European corporates have yet to introduce a green supply chain policy, according to a survey by management consultancy Bearing Point. The survey, which involved 600 directors at companies with turnovers in excess of $100m, found that just 35 per cent of those questioned had a green supply chain strategy in place ? despite 83 per cent claiming that environmental factors were a key element in their decision making.

Many directors blamed a lack of information concerning green supply chain best practices and regulations as the reason for the lack of strategies taking environmental factors into account.

"The question for businesses is whether to act now, on their own terms, or wait to be forced to do so later, either by legislation or, just as likely, a need to catch up with the competition," said Laurence Dupras, BearingPoint?s director of supply chain services in Europe.

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