

The Europe for Citizens programme is about promoting civic participation in European issues by citizens across the EU.

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News provided by: Consorzio Civica; for further information info@civica.cc

It places the emphasis on achieving 'active European citizenship', to improve Europeans' participation in the construction of Europe.
The Europe for Citizens programme promotes active European citizenship by jointly funding projects in the participating countries under four main headings:

?Action 1, "Active citizens for Europe": this involves citizens directly, either through activities linked to town-twinning or through other kinds of citizens? projects;

?Action 2, "Active civil society for Europe": this is targeted at Europe-wide civil society organizations, which can receive either structural support on the basis of their work programme or support for trans-national projects;

?Action 3, "Together for Europe": this supports high visibility events, studies and information tools, addressing the widest possible audience across frontiers and making Europe more tangible for its citizens;

?Action 4, "Active European Remembrance": this action supports the preservation of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations and the commemoration of the victims of nazism and stalinism.

The overall budget for the Programme between 2007 and 2013 will be ? 215 million.

For more information on the new programme Europe for citizens, and how it contributes to citizens' participation, their development of a European identity, their sense of ownership of the European Union, and the promotion of tolerance and mutual understanding, see http://ec.europa.eu/citizenship/index_en.html.

For the complete programme of the launch event in Brussels: http://ec.europa.eu/citizenship/doc/prog1005.pdf

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