EU: Friends of the Earth launch the Big Ask campaign
The Big Ask brings together Friends of the Earth groups from 17 European countries each of which is asking its government to introduce legally binding annual emission cuts.
di Staff
A Europe-wide climate campaign launched on Wednesday 27 February by Friends of the Earth Europe and the Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke aims to get governments and the European Union to commit to annual cuts in emissions to fight climate change.
The Big Ask brings together Friends of the Earth groups from 17 European countries each of which is asking its government to introduce legally binding annual emission cuts. Together they are asking the European Union to force all member states to cut their emissions year-on-year
Thom Yorke launched the European campaign in Brussels where he presented a symbol of the Big Ask to the European Environment Commissioner, Stavros Dimas. Thom Yorke has supported the Big Ask campaign in the UK where thanks to two years of campaigning from Friends of the Earth, a ground-breaking climate change bill is currently being made law. Now he is bringing the campaign to the rest of Europe.
Thom Yorke said: ?We will never wake from the nightmare of climate change unless our national governments and the European Union act. They are the ones who will write the laws that we must follow as citizens and in business. They are the only ones who can put the structures in place that will help us tackle climate change. That is why we are launching the Big Ask in seventeen countries in Europe. By committing to annual cuts in our emissions at a national and European level we can play our part in tackling climate change, and hopefully set an example for the rest of world to follow. Hundreds of thousands of people want to see their governments doing more about climate change. If you are one of them then find out more about Friends of the Earth Europe?s Big Ask campaign in your country at”
Around Europe people are being asked to send a message to their politicians asking them to commit to annual cuts in emissions. Individuals can find out more about their national campaign at the Big Ask website:
Different activities took place across the continent to mark the start of the European campaign. In Finland activists raised awareness with snowman rallies in 22 towns and cities while in the Netherlands activists built a dyke in front of the parliament building and invited politicians and celebrities to fill the gaps with sand-bags.
At a European level Friends of the Earth Europe wants to see annual emission reductions for all member states and a strong compliance system to guarantee that these cuts really take place.
Martin Rocholl, Chair of Friends of the Earth Europe said: “It is too easy for Governments to ignore long term targets on climate change. Annual targets will make today?s and tomorrow?s politicians accountable for cutting emissions and pressure them to actually deliver. The European Union also needs to put forward a strong penalty system to make sure countries really meet their targets every year and the cuts we urgently need really happen. Taking real action is a great chance for Europe to lead the world in the fight against climate change and to show how countries can boost their economies, stay competitive, create jobs and improve the environment at the same time.”
“Through the Big Ask, people across Europe will be able to call on their governments and the European Union to act against climate change. As a grassroots network Friends of the Earth is uniquely placed to generate this kind of people power and really make politicians sit up and listen.”
The Big Ask calls on the European Union to commit to at least 30 per cent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions within Europe by 2020 and 90 per cent by 2050. Friends of the Earth Europe has criticised the European Union?s recent proposal to cut emissions by only 20 per cent by 2020 and for giving no guarantee that these targets will be met.
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