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EU: civil society presses for change ahead of elections
Civil society organisations across Europe are pressing candidates for change through self-publsihed manifestos. Here are but a few.
di Staff

As European parliamentary elections, which will be held beginning of June, 4-7 depending on the country, approach at great speed, civil society is making its voice heard as part of the process. Manifestos published by relevant organisations with concrete demands for change and increased efforts are being handed out to candidates and citizens alike in an effort to get European citizens’ interests onto the agenda. The elections, which for the first time will seek to represent just under 500 million European citizens, marks a historical moment for the continent.
Among the civil society manifestos are those of the European Civic Forum, that of ECAS: the European Citizen Action Service and the National Forum for Voluntary Organisations.
The European Civic Forum is officially launching its manifesto on April 14.
Its aim is to enable the implementation of a genuine civil dialogue at an EU level, along with a recognition of the role and place of civil society organizations in Europe. The manifesto will be sent to candidates in the frame of the 2009 EU parliamentary elections as well as to EU institutions.
The manifesto claims that “in addition to the relatively permanent and structured sectoral dialogue that the European networks have succeeded in building up over the years with the European institutions, there is now a need to devise a structured, efficient and sustainable overall framework for European civil dialogue”. Read more about its official launch in Brussels here.
ECAS published its manifesto on January 27, highlighting ten main points for a citizen-oriented Union.
1. Make EU Institutions responsible for European citizenship
2. Make European citizenship more inclusive by closing the gap between EU citizens and third country migrants
3. Make democratic control over the European Union more European, less national
4. Give every European citizen a chance to benefit from European Union exchange programmes
5. Give citizens rights to be informed by the EU and genuine freedom of information
6. Support active European citizenship by a framework agreement between the EU and civil society
7. Add citizens’ initiatives and participatory democracy practices to EU policy making
8. Add a citizens’ clause to the Treaties so that expectations lead to results
9. Make European citizenship work better through proper enforcement including better access to the European Court of Justice
10. Make the Charter of fundamental rights legally binding.
Follow this link for the full ECAS manifesto.
UK based National Forum of Voluntary Organisationsand the European Network of National Associations launched their joint EU manifesto called “Connecting Civil Society” on March 20.
The manifesto draws together the key views of national civil society organisations to promote a shared vision of the needs of voluntary, community and non-profit organisations across Europe. Shared principles, referring to principles which should be applied across all EU states; concrete changes; key concerns. The manifesto, addresses issues such as EU funding and support for the European Year of Volunteering.
Follow this link to download the manifesto.
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