EU: 50 million to cool the earth
The EU will create a 50 million euro fund to help developing countries fight against climate change ...
di Staff
The EU will create a fund to help developing countries fight against climate change to which it will give 50 million euros between 2008 and 2010. In total, nations from the developing world will have 300 million euros from Brussels to prevent global warming by 2010.
According to the European community executive it is developing countries that most suffer the consequences of increasing temperatures and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that this trend is bound to increase in the future.
The statistics demonstrate that as global warming increases, so do natural disasters. Seven out of every ten extreme climatic events in the last 20 years took place between 2000 and 2006. Since last July Brussels has sent more than 24,5 million euros worth of emergency aid to help natural disasters victims across the world.
The creation of the EU fund is part of the global strategy that was decided in March 2007 by EU members who approved the Kyoto Protocol that commits to reducing greenhouse gases by 2012.
Thanks to these funds, poor countries will be able to invest in measures that go towards preventing a hotter world, such as reducing deforestation, the participation in the global CO2 market, improving their infrastructures in the face of natural disasters and the integration of climate change into development projects and poverty prevention strategies.
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