
Ethical labels: a growing trend in the UK

The Freedom Food logo is now recognised by 50 per cent of the UK, more than twice as many as last year, a new survey has revealed.

di Staff


Freedom Food is the RSPCA’s farm assurance and food labelling scheme dedicated to improving welfare standards for the one billion farm animals reared for food each year in the UK.

The survey – conducted by YouGov on behalf of the RSPCA – has found that recognition of the Freedom Food logo has rocketed in recent years.

According to YouGov, it has more than doubled since the previous survey in October 2007, which showed that 22 per cent of people were familiar with the logo – up from 16 per cent in 2006.

The survey also revealed that 71 per cent of respondents recognised that the logo indicated a ‘higher standard of welfare for farm animals’.

“The results of this latest survey are very encouraging. With half of the respondents now aware of the Freedom Food logo when shopping this clearly indicates that consumers are becoming ever more concerned about animal welfare issues,” said John Akehurst, marketing controller, Freedom Food.

“This is great news and we hope the number of animals raised under Freedom Food standards will continue to leap forward, as consumer demand rises and retailers respond.”

Despite recent woes over the economy there are sign that people are still willing to pay a little more for higher welfare food. The survey, which was conducted in early July 08, found that 52 per cent of respondents would be prepared to pay up to 20 per cent more for higher animal welfare products, with a further 4 per cent prepared to pay more than 20 per cent for these products.

The findings of the poll are based on an online survey of about 2,000 adults from around the UK. According to YouGov, these findings reflect a growing trend in society for ethical products, such as Freedom Food, free-range and Fairtrade.

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