This year`s European Social Forum 2008, in Malmo, Sweden, offered a wide variety of activities that acted as a prelude to the main event, the big parade and demonstrations on Saturday, September 20, the biggest and most numerous in ESF history.
A huge number of workshops, seminars, street actions and cultural events, as well as direct actions all over Malmo were held in the first three days of the ESF, a fine preparation for the big event on Saturday. The Festival programme offered contents and events that will greatly contribute to strengthen organizations that intend on working for creation of a different Europe and world.
The programme was divided into 10 thematic units. Social justice, public services and goods, feminism, equality of rights, diversity, antimilitarism, globalisation, social policies were discussed and debated, both in formal workshops and lectures and in informal meetings. More on the programme…
The meetings of young people from all over Europe, their diversity and the understanding of that diversity, greatly contributes to the building of a different Europe, connections between East and West and creation of communities that will fight for the alternatives.
The first day of events passed in a rather informal atmosphere, having in mind that most participants were arriving late in the afternoon. The second day marked the official start of the working sessions and the first street actions. There were interesting and heated debates on globalisation, militarism, the Lisbon Agreement, global Europe, political Islam and mass media.
The first street action was organized by the Socialist Party, but the main event in the morning programme was the protest demanding stop of activities to deport immigrants and asylum seekers. About 2,000 young people gathered under the slogan `no border, no nation, no deportation!!!`
Later in the afternoon, workshops and cultural programmes continued, with concerts by bands from all parts of Europe. The War Resistance International also organized a public debate on new and potential NATO members.
The Friday activities were dominated by direct and street actions. The biggest splash was made by the blockade of chemical industry in Malmo by environmentalists, and the antimilitarist protests in front of `Aimpoint` company, maker of laser targetting systems used in Iraq to kill people. Seven protesters were arrested there. The biggest crowd of the day gathered in the protests organized by socialist and trade union activists.
A number of debates were held during the day, on community development, stopping the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, the Assembly of movements against war, militarisation, military basis and industry was held.
Later in the evening, a `reclaim the streets` action was held in the streets of Malmo, with 5,000 activists taking over the streets for several hours, under the watchful eyes of the police. After a brief procession through Malmo, the police blocked the access to the centre. Everything went well, with exception of several minor incidents and after a while, the protesters dissipated. Smaller groups of radical activists and anarchists continued clashing with the police, resulting in a situation in which Malme was under siege by the police until late into the night.
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