Equal participant in the intercultural dialogue
In December 12 Brussels will host the conference “Equal Participant In The Intercultural Dialogue” to discuss how dialogue could help creating a more tolerant and inclusive society.
di Staff
The European Roma Information Office (ERIO) is organising a conference to gather representatives of EU and other intergovernmental institutions, Member States and Roma civil society in order to discuss about what role dialogue, tolerance and culture can play in the civil society.
As a social process, Intercultural Dialogue firstly encourages an identification of the boundaries defining each individual and then asks to relate across those boundaries and even to call them into question
In an increasingly globalised and interdependent world, where encountering cultural difference can scarcely be avoided, the ability to enter into a tolerant and respectful dialogue is a vital skill for nations, communities and individuals. In this context, this conference will offer new approaches on how to live together peacefully in a multicultural world and to develop an innovative sense of community and belonging. Intercultural dialogue can also be a tool for the prevention and resolution of conflicts by enhancing the respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The objectives of the conference are to:
– deliver knowledge on intercultural dialogue and its goals
– presenting the objectives and results of 2008 as European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
– sharing best practices areas of intercultural dialogue
– strengthening the dialogue between civil society and institutions in the field of intercultural dialogue
– strengthening ERIO’s network activities in the field of intercultural dialogue
This event is supported by the European Community program for Employment and Social solidarity PROGRESS (2007- 2013). The sole responsibility lies with ERIO and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained there in.
Dates & Venue: December 11-12, Brussels
Find out more: www.europeanagenda.eu/events/24415.php
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