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Energy Festival – Lecce, May 14th – 17th

Explaining energy to the public as a way to overcome the Nimby syndrome

di Staff

Information could help people in overcoming the Nimby syndrome: the Not In My Back Yard concept (that is: an hostile behaviour towards works of public interest to be carried on in your own region) could be in fact eliminated byexplaining in a non-technical way energy issues to the public.

This is the strong belief of Alessandro Beulcke, president of Aris (Research, information and society Agency – Agenzia ricerche, informazione e società), agency that organizes L’energia spiegata – Festival dell’Energia, which will be held from today, the 14th, until Sunday, the 17th May, in Lecce.

The main theme of this second edition of the Europe’s first Festival entirely dedicated to energy is: Decide today tomorrow’s energy. The event will offer three different paths involving the public: insights and discussions, interactions and games, entertainment and shows.

The thematic area Conversations represents the arena for confrontation, dialogue and divulgation on energy theme. The discussions, the talk show and the open meetings, meant for a non specialized audience, will deal with important subjects such as the mix of sources, internationalisation and geopolitics, saving and efficiency, sustainable mobility, innovation and research.

Experimentations is the thematic area including exhibits, laboratories, multimedia videos: its goal is to provide a simple and direct information platform, aiming at highlighting figures, data, facts. Opportunity to satisfy one’s curiosity on energy is therefore given to everybody, simply by experimenting.

Finally, Emotions, the thematic area aiming at stimulating our fantasy on the energy subject by offering entertainment moments, theatre shows, extraordinary exhibitions, screenings on environmental themes and much more.

To have more details on the event, click on




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