
EESC discussing Czech presidency

EESC plenary session will discuss the priorities of the Czech Presidency, a renewed social agenda and the internal market, on January 14-15 in Brussels.

di Staff

The EESC’s plenary session plans to hold two main thematic debates and will host Mr Alexandr Vondra, Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic for European Affairs. He will present the work program and the priorities of the Czech EU Presidency. The EESC will debate and adopt a series of key opinions and initiatives related to a renewed European social agenda and the internal market without barriers.

Priorities of the EU Czech Presidency

Czech Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Alexandr Vondra will present the priority areas of the Presidency to the EESC plenary session, namely economic policies, energy policy and the European Union in the World. The Czech Republic has chosen ‘Europe without Barriers’ as the symbolic motto of its Presidency: a Europe without internal economic, cultural and value barriers for individuals, entrepreneurs and the economy.

A renewed social agenda

The EESC will discuss the need for a renewed social agenda in Europe which will ensure more opportunity and the principle of equal treatment between persons regardless of religion, age or sexual orientation. The EESC plans to adopt two key opinions on this subject:

  • A renewed social agenda: opportunities, access and solidarity by rapporteur Evelyn Regner (Group II, Employees, Austria)
  • Equal treatment irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation by rapporteur Nicholas Crook (Group II, Employees, United Kingdom)

An internal market without barriers

The EESC will also discuss and plans to adopt several opinions linked to the internal market: an own-initiative opinion on the social and environmental dimension of the internal market by rapporteur Andrzej Adamczyk (Group II, Employees, Poland), an opinion on the ‘Small Business Act’ for Europe, by rapporteur Henri Malosse (Group I, Employers, France) and an opinion on the term of protection of copyright and related rights by rapporteur Panagiotis Gkofas (Group III, Various Interests, Greece).

Other key topics of the EESC’s plenary session include:

Facing the oil challenges

European Economic Recovery Plan

– The external dimension of the EU’s energy policy

-Single European Sky II package

– The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights



Dates & Venue: January 14-15, Brussels

Find out more:www.toad.eesc.europa.eu/


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