
Ebico teams up with Groundwork to defeat fuel poverty

The energy company has committed £120,000 to provide assistance in improving energy efficiency

di Staff

PRLog, a free press release distribution service, reported that, on April, 6th, Ebico committed £120,000 to UK environmental charity Groundwork in order to save over 1,000 UK homes from fuel poverty.

The funds provided by the UK only not-for-profit energy company Ebico will support the implementation of the ‘Green Doctor’ project in fuel poor homes around the southeast of England and South Wales.
The Green Doctor programme is the first initiative to be funded by the Ebico Trust, which was set up to combat fuel poverty in the UK and promote sustainable development.

“Ten years ago we set up Ebico because we could see that the so-called ‘liberalisation’ of the market would result in losers as well as winners, and the success of Ebico is living proof that there is market solution that works for everyone. As a result of our success in growing Ebico over the last decade, we are in a position to put what surplus income we have into The Ebico Trust, which has been set up with the same vision and mission as Ebico, to eradicate fuel poverty in the UK”, says Phil Levermore, co-founder and managing director of Ebico.

With the economy in turmoil and high gas and electricity prices continuing, the Green Doctor programme will be on-call to help cash-strapped householders by giving them advice and assistance that will improve the energy efficiency of their homes and save them money. The ‘Green Doctor’ will be targeting homes in North London, Reading/Slough and South Wales.

The scheme will see fully trained experts make free house calls to conduct energy use audits. Using a combination of technical and non-technical measures, from fitting draught excluders to topping up loft insulation, the two-year programme will help 1,250 households save £100,000 per year while reducing CO2 emissions by up to 680 tonnes each year.

“We are extremely proud to be part of the Groundwork ‘Green Doctor’ programme, which not only delivers social benefits but environmental ones too,” continues Phil Levermore.

Groundwork Chief Executive, Tony Hawkhead, agrees the ‘Green Doctor’ will have a massive impact on low-income households, adding, “Tenants of rented accommodation can be at the mercy of their landlords when it comes to energy performance.

“They also tend to be poorer than those who own their own homes and less able to cope with the financial consequences of fuel poverty caused by badly insulated or draughty accommodation.

“The Green Doctor is not just about handing out light-bulbs and loft insulation. It’s also about helping them to apply for grant aid for home improvements, as well as helping them gear up for climate change.”


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