Discriminated because Italian

di Filippo Addarii

There is always a first time and this one really left me speechless. My argument was dismissed because of my nationality.

Res Publica – the think tank of Big Society – publised my blog on the London riots and a proposal to run a social innovation competition as a concrete response to the mayhem. You can find the full text here.

Someone critized my interpretation of the facts as neocon and meaningless. To paraphrase the commentator: What would you expect from Italians? They are just good at art history, food and fashion. The latter in particular as it sounds like fascist.

Isn’t it all about stereotypes? Perhaps some individuals who happen to be born in Italy are not so silly as Italians are usually portrayed, while some others born in the UK are not so enlightened as the stereotype goes.

Many amongst them don’t accept the fact that the country had 10 years of fat cows but some haven’t seen a drop of that wealth. The foreigner workers cared for milking cows while the natives were busy partying. Few don’t accept this reality and have put their country on fire.

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