Developing and implementing health in EU
DG 'Health and Consumers' will organise this conference within the activities of the EU Health Forum in Brussels on December 5.
di Staff
Under the overall theme of “Developing and Implementing Health in the European Union” the conference will mark an important step towards strengthening the involvement of all stakeholders in contributing to the development and implementation of actions and activities to protect and improve the health of European citizens. Building on the progress made through structures as the EU Health Forum, the European Commission will work closely with stakeholder groups, and with regional and local level bodies with a view to optimising their contribution to the implementation of the EU health strategy.
Registration for the EU Open Health conference is welcome from all interested parties and/or organisations from the broader community of interest in EU health policy.
This conference aims to contribute and increase the profile of health in the EU policies through discussion between EU policy makers and stakeholders on pressing public health issues and their impacts on the Community. The EU Open Health Forum is a mechanism for the European Commission to get feedback from stakeholders on the implementation of the EU Health Policy and to identify the need for new policy initiatives at EU level. It also facilitates networking and exchange of best practice in the implementation of public health policies at EU, national, regional and local level.
The new EU Health Strategy aims to deliver concrete results in improving health. As set out in the Treaty, the EC has a unique role to improve and protect health and in addition to facilitate cooperation on health. Given Member States’ responsibilities in health at national, regional and local levels, and the need to respect subsidiarity, they must be closely involved in the implementation of the strategy. To that end, a new EC-level structured cooperation mechanism will be developed to promote coordination between the Member States. This cooperation mechanism will assist the Commission in identifying priorities, defining indicators, producing guidelines and recommendations, fostering exchange of good practice, and measuring progress. It will also provide opportunities for local and regional involvement. In parallel, there is a need to improve the structured input of stakeholders into the process.
Dates & Venue: December 5, Brussels
Find out more: www.ec.europa.eu/health/ph_overview/health_forum/
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