www.cinefogo.org: the CINEFOGO Network of Excellence on Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe – the Making of European Citizenship aims at enhancing the understanding of social and democratic processes, citizenship and democratic participation as well as of the relationship between civil society and citizenship in an increasingly diversified and multi-cultural Europe that is simultaneously trying to achieve greater integration.
www.csrgov.dk: the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
www.danishorganic.dk: this list links to the websites and contact information for non-profit organisations in Denmark that are committed to organic food, agriculture and environment.
www.energymap.dk: EnergyMap is the national Danish internet portal for energy and climate related solutions.
www.frivillighed.dk: the Center for frivilligt socialt arbejde (Volunteer Centre Denmark) promotes and supports the development of voluntary social work in Denmark.
www.humanrights.dk: the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
www.isobro.dk: ISOBRO is the national umbrella organization for charities. It is member of the European Fundraising Association – EFA.
www.merkurbank.dk: the Merkur Cooperative Bank grants credit to the following types of projects:
– Environment: organic farming and food, alternative energy, green technology.
– Education and culture: Free schools, nurseries, education, culture.
– Social Responsibility: Institutions and houses for mentally deficient or other disadvantaged people.
– Village communities: projects striving towards a wholeness in housing, energy, social life etc.
– Fair trade financing with lending to co-operatives and other producers in the developing countries through order based pre financing credits.
www.prngo.dk: the Projektrådgivningen – Platform for Folkeligt U-Landsarbejde (Project Advice and Training Centre – PATC) is an umbrella body for Danish Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) established in 1995 in response to a general need among small Danish CSOs to exchange experiences and build the general capacity of staff and volunteers.
senseable.mit.edu/copencycle: the Copenhagen´s Smart Biking website.
www.sfi.dk: the Danish National Centre for Social Research provides socially relevant research for political discussions and decisions concerning the renewal and development of the welfare society.
www.sustainablecities.dk: Sustainable Cities is a database providing knowledge and inspiration on the sustainable planning of cities and best practise cases from Danish and international cities. Its aim is to inspire and engage in conversations about sustainable cities with people, communities and organizations from all over the world.
www.ve-net.eu: VE-Net (Renewable Energy Network) is an innovative network related to energy and funded by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. The aim of the network is to create collaboration initiatives between companies and research institutes with the purpose of increasing the application of research-based expertise in the business community and to solve high technology matters.
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