Non profit

Denmark: the state of giving

di Staff

Giving to developing countries

Out of the approximately 3.25 billions $ (approximately  billions €[1]) of total assistance to developing countries, corresponding to 1.03 % of the Danish GNI in 2007, approximately 0.09 billions $ (0.067billions €; of which it was estimated that 81.7 million $ – 61 million € – were given by the nine Danish Private Voluntary Organizations – PVOs that account for more than 70 % of all private philanthropy to the developing world that is channelled through PVOs in Denmark; the remaining 11.7 million $ – 8.73 million € – were instead estimated to be given by corporates) are donated through private (individual and corporate bodies) giving; the remaining part is made up partly from ODA (Official Development Assistance, which amounts to 2.56 billions $ – 1.91 billions €), partly from remittances (0.6 billions $ – 0.45 billions €; source:The Center for Global Prosperity, The Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances 2009, 2009).


[1] Using the conversion rate of 0.74625 published by the Financial Management Service of the United States Department of the Treasury to convert Euros to U.S. dollars (The Center for Global Prosperity, The Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances 2009, 2009, p. 82).

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