Non profit

Denmark: bibliography

di Staff

The Center for Global Prosperity, The Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances 2009, 2009. Available online at

Chaves Ávila, R. and Monzón Campos, J. L., The Social Economy in The European Union, International Centre of Research and Information on the Collective Economy (CIRIEC) for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), 2007. Available online from

Defourny, J. and Nyssen, M. (eds.), Social enterprise in Europe: Recent trends and developments, EMES Working Papers no. 08/01, 2008. Available online at

Defourny, J. and Pestoff, V. (eds.), Images and Concepts of the Third Sector in Europe, Working Papers Series, No. 08/02, 2008. Available online at

Hulgård,L. and Bisballe, T., Work Integration Social Enterprises in Denmark, Working Papers Series, No. 04/08, 2004. Available online at

Ibsen, B. and Habermann, U., Defining the Nonprofit Sector: Denmark, Working Papers No. 44, Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, 2005. Available online at

University of HeidelbergCentre for Social Investment and Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Feasibility Study on a European Foundation Statute, 2009. Available online at


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