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Democracy & participation: Vlora international summer university

Albania: Join the 7th edition of Vlora University's summer course dedicated to democracy and participation

di Staff


2008 edition: “Cultural Diversity in South East Europe: Sustainable Source of Peace or Conflict in the Euro – Atlantic Integration and Democratization Process”

Are you interested in and motivated towards politics, democracy, society and public life? Would you like to learn more, debate and exchange ideas with known lectors, public persons and young leaders from Albania and from other European countries?

Apply to participate to the 7th Edition of the Vlora International Summer University “Democracy and Participation” that will be held in Vlora (Albania), at the New York Hotel, from 29 August to 7 September 2008.

Candidates must be young parliamentarians, government or political parties’ officials, persons involved in the non profit sector, political forums, media, public administration or students. Advantages will have the candidates engaged in the leading levels of the organizations that they represent and representatives from the minority communities.

Eligible candidates must be from the countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI): Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosova, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

Working languages in UV will be English and Albanian.

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