Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
1 December 2011, worldwide, World AIDS Day
1 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, EU Research & Innovation Policy – Unlocking the potential of SMEs
1 December 2011, London, UK, Digital Fundraising & Campaigning Conference
1-2 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Encouraging healthy eating and active living in the family setting
2 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Conference on improving the regulatory environment for microcredit
05 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Smart Accessibility Awards Night
5-6 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, The Innovation Convention
5-6 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, High-level conference on Inequalities in Europe and the future of the welfare state
6 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Successful Actions Overcoming Social Exclusion in Europe
7 December 2011 , Brussels, Belgium, Tackling Corruption Across the EU – Principles into practice
8 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, The social economy in the European agenda
8 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Equality in the Workplace: Zero Tolerance on Gender-Based Discrimination, Harassment and Violence in Europe
8-10 December 2011, Paris, France, 40 under 40: European Young Leaders
9 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Annual Conference on Care
10 December 2011, worldwide, Human Rights Day
12 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Validation and recognition of learning in Europe
12-13 December 2011,Brussels, Belgium, International Conference on Undocumented Migrant Women
13 December 2011, Brussels,“EU research and innovation: What role for regions and cities after 2013?”
15 December 2011, Rome, Italy, AIESEC Connection Day
15-16 December 2011, Warsaw, Poland, European Development Day
15-16 December 2011, Berlin, Germany, International CSR Conference
18 December 2011, worldwide, International Migrants Day
1 December 2011, worldwide
World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988. World AIDS Day is important as it reminds the public and Government that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education.
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1 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
EU Research & Innovation Policy – Unlocking the potential of SMEs
During the week of celebrations for St Andrew’s Day, Scotland’s National Day, on 1st December the Scottish Government and Scotland Europa will be hosting a policy seminar to discuss the support available for innovative SMEs at an EU and national level. This event will explore what this means in practice and how EU and national/regional instruments can be tailored to meet the needs of SMEs and research. Following contributions from the European Commission, Academia and SMEs, participants will discuss the different mechanisms currently available to support collaboration between research and business and develop recommendations for Horizon 2020.
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1 December 2011, London, UK
Digital Fundraising & Campaigning Conference
Fundraising continues to be one of the most popular forms of income for charities. Forward-thinking charities are ensuring that their fundraising efforts are being geared towards the online world we live in today. In fact, digital fundraising and campaigning via a charity’s website, its social media presence, such as Twitter or Facebook, or through email marketing, is becoming the standard – with a greater focus on ROI, conversion and integration. Third Sector magazine’s Digital Fundraising Conference brings a showcase of successful digital fundraising initiatives, revealing the investment benefits and effectiveness of different streams and applicable tips and tools to effectively plan, budget, analyse and execute a cross-channel campaign.
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1-2 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Encouraging healthy eating and active living in the family setting
Reduced levels of physical activity, increases in sedentary behaviour, and modifications in the structure of diet are contributing to a rising epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as obesity, certain cancers, coronary heart and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes. Encouraging individuals to make ‘smart choices’ in terms of eating well and maintaining a physically active lifestyle that will protect their health is key. How to encourage individuals to adopt these healthy behaviours is challenging as there are numerous barriers.
Representatives from academia, civil society and European and international institutions will debate the challenges and opportunities of the family setting for promoting health through better diets and more physical activity whilst aiming to understand the context of modern European family lives and its influence on health behaviours.
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2 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Conference on improving the regulatory environment for microcredit
In the current economic climate, microcredit is an important tool for generating growth and jobs in the EU. Several countries have introduced reforms to promote microcredit and foster the emergence of microcredit providers as a complement to traditional channels of credit distribution.
This conference will seek to understand what obstacles microcredit providers face in providing their services throughout the EU, what might be done to improve the situation and whether there is a need and scope for regulatory action at national or EU level. It aims to provide a lively exchange between microcredit providers, public authorities and other stakeholders, as well as to identify best practice in this field.
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05 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Smart Accessibility Awards Night
In June 2011, Vodafone Foundation, together with AGE Platform Europe and the European Disability Forum, launched a unique initiative challenging developers to design mobile applications to improve the lives of ageing people and people with disabilities.The results have been inspiring and there will be selected four winning applications. Join the conference in order to learn what ideas have been developed.
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5-6 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
The Innovation Convention
The European Commission is holding its first Innovation Convention one year after the adoption of the Innovation Union Flagship initiative , the EU’s roadmap to turn Europe into a more innovation-friendly and competitive continent.
The conference will be opened by President Barroso and will gather over 1200 participants involved in the innovation chain, including high-level policy makers, leading CEOs, deans of universities and research centers, bankers, venture capitalists, top researchers and innovators.
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5-6 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
High-level conference on Inequalities in Europe and the future of the welfare state
This conference will take stock of how inequalities develop and explore ways of how to mitigate them.
The debate is in line with the focus of the EU’s Europe 2020 strategy on inclusive growth, and notably on sharing the benefits of growth widely. It will serve as inspiration for European policy making and its results will be summarized in a flash report to be released after the conference.
The participants include both policy makers, social partners, academics and Commission staff.
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6 December 20212, Brussels, Belgium
Successful Actions Overcoming Social Exclusion in Europe
The main objective of thisconference is twofold: 1) Successful actions in education and in other areas (employment, health, housing, political participation) that contribute to overcoming social exclusion in Europe and promote social cohesion in Europe will be presented. 2) Key messages will be provided in order to develop more efficient educational and social policies in Europe.
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7 December 2011 , Brussels, Belgium
Tackling Corruption Across the EU – Principles into practice
This conference, organized by Dodsand Transparency International , will look at the causes and consequences of widespread corruption, as well as some of the tools and strategies that can be used to tackle it. It will bring together civil society representatives, high-level EU officials and other stakeholders to discuss the EU’s potential as an ally in the fight against corruption. It will look at ways to establish a new era of transparency, accountability and better governance in Europe. The conference is organized with the support of Monica Macovei MEP.
Sessions include:
– Is corruption and lack of transparent governance at the root of the EU’s crisis?
– Assessing the state of corruption in the EU
– Integrity and transparency in EU financial sector reform
– The EU as a global anti-corruption actor
– Eliminating waste and corruption in EU funds: the role of public procurement
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8 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
The social economy in the European agenda
The European Commission is organizing this event on the economic and social significance of Social Economy enterprises. The keynote speakers include: Marc Tarabella, Member of the European Parliament and co chair of the Intergroup “Social economy”; Laszlo Andor, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion; Alain Coheur, President of Social Economy Europe.
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8 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Equality in the Workplace: Zero Tolerance on Gender-Based Discrimination, Harassment and Violence in Europe
Concern about the effects of workplace violence and harassment on the health and safety of workers has been growing over the last decade. Both third-party violence and harassment may have severely negative consequences for the individuals affected and their families, as well as being detrimental to society generally. Although this growing concern has led to better provision of information, there is still an urgent need to improve public and practitioner awareness, and to encourage better dissemination of the proven tools and procedures to prevent and manage these occupational risks.
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8-10 December 2011, Paris, France
40 under 40: European Young Leaders
Among the many challenges that Europe faces, the absence of a collective vision presents one of the principal obstacles to an effective and sustainable system of governance, as well as stable and harmonious societies. The 40 under 40 programme, led by EuropaNova and Friends of Europe, aims to remedy this deficit by bringing together some of the most talented individuals from across Europe, capable of forging the type of vision that is currently missing. They will be asked to reflect upon the major problems confronting Europe and to generate innovative ideas that can provide lasting solutions. The ’40 under 40′ will become ambassadors for a new vision, one which can counter the re-emergence of nationalist tendencies and provide the inspiration for a European renewal. Each year, forty young leaders from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds will be invited to participate in two three-day seminars, the first taking place in Paris in December 2011, and the second in Brussels in 2012.
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9 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Annual Conference on Care
The aim of this conference, organized annually by Social Platform is to discuss with a variety of stakeholders Social Platform’s vision of CARE that respects the rights of individuals, guarantees access to services and promotes social inclusion. The conference comes after 2 years work by Social Platform members who recently released their recommendations on CARE.
Reasons for attending the conference:
– Understand and discuss fundamental rights of care users
– Learn how to promote quality employment and decent working conditions in the care sector
– Discuss how to ensure an adequate balance between care, work, family and private life for men and women and between generations
– Explore the benefits of investing in the care sector.
Speakers include:
László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Staffan Nilsson, President, European Economic and Social Committee
Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director, Employment, Lisbon Strategy, International affairs, DG Employment, European Commission
Claudia Menne, Confederal Secretary, ETUC
Guillaume Cravero, Adviser for Social Affairs, Business Europe
Francoise Castex, MEP, Chair of the Public Services Intergroup European Parliament
The full programme of the conference can be downloaded here.
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10 December 2011, worldwide
Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December. The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the first global enunciation of human rights. The day pays tribute to all human rights defenders.
This year thousands of people decided the time had come to claim their rights. They took to the streets and demanded change. Many found their voices using the internet and instant messaging to inform, inspire and mobilize supporters to seek their basic human rights.
Social media helped activists organize peaceful protest movements in cities across the globe—in Tunis, in Cairo, in Madrid, in New York, and in cities and towns across the globe—at times in the face of violent repression.
It has been a year like no other for human rights. Human rights activism has never been more topical or more vital. And through the transforming power of social media, ordinary people have become human rights activists.
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12 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Validation and recognition of learning in Europe
This Seminar aims at discussing recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning in the view of the upcoming European Commission’s proposal for a Council Recommendation on the promotion and validation of non-formal and informal learning,beginning of 2012.
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12-13 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
International Conference on Undocumented Migrant Women
This conference, which will be held by PICUM, marks the culmination of PICUM’s research project “Undocumented Migrant Women in Europe: Strategies for Support and Empowerment” and brings the issues, initiatives, and experts identified in this research together with the aim of fostering real policy change for undocumented women at the European level.
The objectives of the meeting are to:
Bring the experiences of undocumented migrant women to the attention of both civil society, professional, and institutional actors working at the European level
Exchange information regarding practices working to facilitate undocumented migrant women’s access to basic rights, services, and justice.
Facilitate the development of interdisciplinary and cooperative strategies to effectuate positive change for undocumented migrant women across the European Union.
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13 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium
“EU research and innovation: What role for regions and cities after 2013?”
In the Europe 2020 strategy as well as in long term policy programmes of regional and local authorities, great importance is given to research and innovation. By December 2011, the European Commission will have adopted its legal proposals for the future EU funding under a Common Strategic Framework for Innovation, covering the structural funds, the ‘Horizon 2020’ programme for research, and the new Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP).
The Committee of the Regions invites – together with the relevant Directorates-General of the European Commission – local, regional and national administrations and institutions to discuss the consequences these proposals will have for facilitating coordination of research and innovation strategies at regional level. The Forum will also present best practices of regional innovation programmes and projects operating under the current funding structures, showcasing how to match EU priorities and programmes with specific territorial challenges.
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15 December 2011, Rome, Italy
AIESEC Connection Day
AIESEC Connection Day is an opportunity for university students and enterprises to exchange experiences, confront and interact. It is the most important event of Employer Branding and Talent Attraction that AIESEC Italy offers to enterprises.
During the day AIESEC Italy’s partners will have the opportunity to confront with the members of the 16 headquarters of AIESEC in Italy and many students from Rome University to:
-Confront on Sustainability and CSR
-Network with many enterprises
– Talent attraction
TARGET: 300 students.
A panel discussion will take place in the morning on the following issues: environmental sustainability, education, food sustainability, future international scenarios.
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15-16 December 2011, Warsaw, Poland
European Development Day
European Development Days has become a landmark event in the development calendar. It has been one of the fastest growing international forums. Launched in 2006, its scope and scale has increased steadfastly year-on-year, as links with new networks and new partners are made, and new platforms are created. European Development Days attracts representatives from all corners of the globe.
It brings some 6,000 people and 1,500 organizations from the development community together on an equal footing, in a true spirit of partnership.
EDD is an open and “COLLABORATIVE PLATFORM” bringing together thousands of development advocates, decision-makers and practitioners. It is a unique networking opportunity. EDD is a leading platform for a yearly exchange of ideas, benchmarks and best practices. It is a “one stop shop” for the development community wishing to meet other stakeholders involved in north-south or south-south cooperation.
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15 – 16 December 2011, Berlin, Germany
International CSR Conference
The conference will present the CSR Action Plan of the German Federal Government to a big and international high-level audience and will emphasize the high social and environmental standards prevailing in German business that operate internationally, by introducing the “CSR – made in Germany” concept. On the sidelines of the conference, companies, social partners and NGOs will set up booths to present their ideas and Corporate Social Responsibility concepts.
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18 December 2011, worldwide
During the World Social Forum in Dakar, 2011, the proposal presented at the World Social Forum on Migrations in Quito, 2010, was ratified. The proposal was to carry out a worldwide December 18 Global Day of Action Against Racism and for the Rights of Refugees, Migrants and Displaced People.
Many organizations in different countries are already working towards it. Each country, region, city is deciding autonomously what type of event they will hold. What will unite all these events will be the decision to affirm the right to migrate or not to migrate, the right to choose where we want to live, and not to be displaced from our own territories.
The event of December 18 wants to be another common space to be used by all those who already struggle for the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced people.
All organizations are invited whether religious or non-religious, unions, political organizations, and the civil society at large to make this international initiative a success.
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