Non profit

December 2010

A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe.

di Cristina Barbetta


Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):

30 November-1 December 2010, Milan, Italy, Second international forum on food and nutrition 

1 December 2010, Global, World AIDS Day

2-3 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, European citizenship: real benefits for persons with disabilities?

5 December, worldwide, International Volunteer Day

6-7 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, European Development Days 2010

6-7 December 2010, Trier, Germany, EU Law on Equality between Women and Men in Practice

6-8 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, Volunteering as a means of empowerment and social inclusion

7 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, A spectre is haunting Europe: Proposals for new policy strategies to address diversity

7-8 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, Ensuring justice and protection for all children

8 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, Preventing undocumented women and children from accessing healthcare

9 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, Working for inclusion

9-10 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, The Reform of EU Financial Supervision

9-10 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium, European Consensus Conference on Homelessnes

9-10 December 2010, Södra Berget, Sundsvall, Sweden, Societal Entrepreneurship in Sparsely Populated Areas

10 December 2010, Budapest, Hungary, Trafficking Affecting Romani Communities

10-12 December 2010, Barcelona, Spain, The International Protection of Refugees

17 December 2010, Naples, Italy, First AIESEC Italy national event of the “Youth Driven Sustainable Change Initiative”

18 December, worldwide, International Migrants Day

31 December 2010, Tallin, Estonia, Introduction of the Euro in Estonia: Festivities


30 November-1 December 2010, Milan, Italy

Second international forum on food and nutrition

The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition promotes two days of debate on the priorities and on the future with regards to the subject of food and nutrition. The following topics will be discussed: agri-food resources and environmental sustainability, the role of biotechnologies, the future of food.


1 December 2010, Global

World AIDS Day

Campaigners around the world come together every year to commemorate this international day. This year the World AIDS Campaign is promoting a campaign called Light for Rights and is asking cities and communities around the world to dim their lights today to highlight AIDS, HIV and human rights.


2-3 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

European citizenship: real benefits for persons with disabilities?

This annual policy conference marks the European Day of People with Disabilities. The 2010 conference will look at European citizenship and its benefits for persons with disabilities from different angles, and will in particular highlight issues related to mutual recognition of disability; mobility of individuals and social security schemes; and leisure and culture. The conference is organized by the European Commission in close cooperation with the European Disability Forum (EDF). It will bring together political decision makers, practitioners in the field and relevant stakeholders, providing an opportunity for mutual learning and networking.


5 December, worldwide

International Volunteer Day

International Volunteer Day (IVD) is a chance for volunteer-involving organizations and individual volunteers to promote their contributions to development at local, national and international levels. By merging UN support with a grassroots mandate, IVD is a unique opportunity for volunteer-involving organizations to work with government agencies, non-profit organizations, community groups and the private sector. IVD was established by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 40/212 on 17 December 1985. Since then, governments, the UN system and civil society organizations have successfully joined volunteers around the world to celebrate the Day on 5 December.

6-7 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

European Development Days 2010

This year the fifth edition of the European Development Days (EDD) will take place in Brussels. Organised by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, EDD is the leading European forum where the questions and issues about international development cooperation are debated. President José Manuel Barroso will deliver a keynote speech at the opening of this forum which brings together current and former heads of state and government from Europe, Africa and rest of the world; high-level representatives of governments, international organisations as well as development practitioners, NGOs, media and civil society. Organised a few days after the Africa-EU Summit in Tripoli, in parallel to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancún, the European Development Days provide a timely and focused interface for stakeholders and governments to address global challenges in an open and often informal atmosphere. European Development Days was launched in 2006 as a vehicle for aid effectiveness and an opportunity to strengthen the European consensus on development cooperation. The four previous editions have featured 31 heads of state, 44 heads of government or ministers and 6 Nobel Prize winners. The last edition in 2009 in Stockholm attracted a total of 6000 participants. Under the leadership of President José Manuel Barroso and Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, the 2010 edition of EDD will feature 15 high level panels, and 30 seminars on subjects as sensitive as the place of development in the institutional setup prescribed by the Lisbon Treaty, governance, reflection on the future of development cooperation, access to energy, the global health policy, the management of natural resources, support to the private sector, the effectiveness of aid, human rights, etc.


6-7 December 2010, Trier, Germany

EU Law on Equality between Women and Men in Practice

The principle of equality between women and men has been part of EU law since the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Since then, a considerable body of legislation has been adopted on matters such as equal treatment in employment and occupation, health protection in the context of maternity, parental leave or access to goods and services. This seminar will provide an overview of the content of these Directives as interpreted by the European Court of Justice in its large case law on this topic. Certain key subjects and topical issues will be dealt with, such as the concepts of direct/indirect discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment; the burden of proof; the scope for positive action measures; the principle of equal pay for work of equal value; the protection of pregnant workers and the reconciliation of professional, private and family life.


6-8 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

Volunteering as a means of empowerment and social inclusion – A bridge between the European Years 2010 and 2011

While Europe is a prospering continent and while the Europe 2020 Strategy aims to turn the EU into an “inclusive economy delivering high levels of  employment, productivity and social cohesion”, poverty and social exclusion remain an undeniable reality in most European countries: 80 million Europeans live below the poverty line, and many face serious obstacles in accessing  employment, education, housing, social and financial services; 73% of Europeans feel that poverty in their country is widespread ; and 15% of Europeans feel excluded of society. How does volunteering contribute to combating poverty and social exclusion? Is volunteering inclusive itself? What recommendations can we formulate for more and better voluntary actions in combating poverty and social exclusion, as well as better recognition of the role of volunteers in this area? The second CEV (European Volunteer Centre) Symposium 2010 will be organised with CEV’s four Belgian member organisations in Brussels in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, and will bring together 200 professionals from the volunteering sector as well as decision-makers, experts in the field of the fight against poverty and social exclusion, volunteers and people experiencing poverty, to showcase the empowering potential of volunteering in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The event will be CEV’s contribution to close the European Year of the fight against poverty and social exclusion 2010 – and the kick-off for the European Year of Volunteering 2011.


7 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

A spectre is haunting Europe: Proposals for new policy strategies to address diversity

The SUS.DIV Network of Excellence brings together over 35 research institutions from all around Europe and beyond to carry out research and to exchange views on diversity and sustainability. This policy workshop is organized by SUS.DIV to discuss with policy-makers and stakeholders the policy-relevant insights of its research. The workshop is hosted by MEP Roberto Gualtieri.


7-8 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

Ensuring justice and protection for all children

The FRC is a key networking opportunity for actors responsible for the protection of children’s rights at EU, international, national and local level as well as at the grass roots. It will bring together 250-300 stakeholders, including EU and Member State officials, local authorities and intergovernmental organisations, social services and legal practitioners, national human rights institutions, equality bodies and children’s ombudspersons, victim support and child rights non-governmental organisations.The FRC will explore avenues for State authorities to better protect vulnerable children, by following an integrated approach to child protection services and justice and involving civil society and children themselves. The focus will be on promoting and safeguarding the protection, provision and participation rights enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The FRC will discuss the practical implementation of all these rights when a vulnerable child comes into contact with State authorities as a victim or witness. In their handling by the authorities, all these categories of children are at risk to be subject to restrictions of their rights – whether not receiving appropriate education or medical care, having no access to legal counsel or specialist services for victims, or being deprived of contacts with parents or other primary caregivers, family and friends. In the case of a separated, asylum-seeking child for instance, this could concern the type of placement and accommodation he or she is provided with; whether and when a legal guardian is appointed, or whether he or she receives free legal representation and of which quality. The FRC 2010 seeks to explore how children with particular vulnerabilities can benefit from such integrated approaches. Special attention will be paid to the need for coordination between justice and child protection systems, which ultimately benefits all children.


8 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

Public hearing: “Preventing undocumented women and children from accessing healthcare: Fostering Health Inequalities in Europe”

This hearing, hosted by Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Greens, GUE/NGL political groups and carried out in partnership with the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), Médecins du Monde, Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), and the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN), will bring together experts from EU institutions and civil society to discuss the main barriers faced by undocumented migrants to accessing health care in Europe, with a special focus on undocumented women and children. This hearing aims to feed into the debate about health inequalities the situation faced by particularly vulnerable groups, and to explore the potential of EU policies in the fields of public health, social inclusion and children’s rights to tackle the situation faced by undocumented migrants. Due to their irregular migration status, undocumented migrants in Europe suffer disproportionate levels of poverty, exploitation, poor health and violence against women. As a means of fighting irregular migration, many member states have resorted to placing severe restrictions on the fundamental rights – namely the right to health – of their most vulnerable group of migrants. The legislative and practical barriers facing undocumented migrants in accessing these rights drive them into a situation of destitution: not only are these policies grossly ineffective in their aim to curb irregular migration, but they also pose a significant threat to public health strategies and to a cost-effective use of the public resources. Access to health care for undocumented migrants and in particular for children and pregnant women, is a vital concern in terms of fundamental rights but also in terms of public health.  


9 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

Working for inclusion: how early childhood education and care and its workforce can help Europe’s youngest citizens

This conference, that will be held at the Europan Parliament, will examine the current state of the fight against child poverty in Germany and Europe and the necessary steps to effectively fight child and family poverty. The event is organised by the Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) in the context of the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.


9-10 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

The Reform of EU Financial Supervision

This is the annual conference on European banking and financial services law 2010. The High-Level Group on Financial Supervision appointed by the European Commission issued the “De Larosière Report” in February 2009. That report was transposed by the Commission into a package of six legal acts adopted in September 2010:

– two acts (one regulation and one Council decision) to establish a European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) and to organise its relations with the European Central Bank (ECB) to monitor and assess potential threats to financial stability arising from macro-economic and systemic developments;

– four acts (three regulations and one directive) to establish a European System of Financial Supervisors (ESFS) consisting of a network of national financial supervisors working in tandem with three new European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) in the area of securities (ESMA), banking (EBA), insurance and occupational pensions (EIOPA). Two other legislative acts are subject to modifications in order to adapt them to the creation of this new European supervisory scheme:

– The 2009 Regulation on credit rating agencies is subject to a June 2010 draft Regulation transferring supervisory competences to the new European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA);

– The Market Abuse Directive was subject in June 2010 to a public consultation with a view to increasing the enforcement powers, sanctions and cooperation between national securities authorities. A draft directive is to be published by the end of 2010.


9-10 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

European Consensus Conference on Homelessness

The Consensus Conference will address six key questions relating to homelessness, on which there is a lack of consensus. These questions were selected by a preparatory committee, consisting of various stakeholders in the field of homelessness:

– What does homelessness mean?

– Ending homelessness: a realistic goal?

– Are housing led policy approaches the most effective methods of preventing and tackling homelessness?

– How can meaningful participation of homeless people in the development of homelessness policies be assured?

– To what extent should people be able to access homeless services irrespective of their legal status and citizenship?

– What should be the elements of an EU strategy on homelessness?

Three experts will respond to each key question by drawing the attention of the Jury to the elements of dissensus that may exist. Following the conference and on the basis of evidence presented, the Jury of seven people will try to find consensus on key issues relating to homelessness and how to fight against this phenomenon. This consensus will be published in a report that will serve as a basis for developing policies on homelessness at a European level. The European Consensus Conference provides an opportunity to clarify the role of the EU in facilitating and help developing effective strategies to fight homelessness in the coming years. This conference is the result of the cooperation between the Belgian Presidency, FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organizations Working with the Homeless), and the European Commission, with the support of France.


9-10 December 2010, Södra Berget, Sundsvall, Sweden

First Conference on Societal Entrepreneurship in Sparsely Populated Areas

The Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, in cooperation with Mid Sweden University and the EU Regional Development Fund, has just launched a project entitled “Societal Entrepreneurship in Sparsely Populated Areas”. The conference, that will take place in this framework, will debate the following questions: How do we create diversity and sustainability in rural/sparsely populated areas? How can we deal with issues of succession, integration, societal development and growth? 


10 December 2010, Budapest, Hungary

Trafficking Affecting Romani Communities

Since January 2009, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and People in Need (PiN) Slovakia have implemented a research project in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia on the trafficking of Romani children, men and women. The project is supported by the European Commission’s Daphne III Programme. The research examined the current state of legislation, policies and victim support services, as well as vulnerability factors and the perceived representation of Roma among victims of trafficking in human beings in the target countries. Preliminary results indicate that Roma are at a disproportionately high risk of trafficking due to low socio-economic status, low educational achievements, high unemployment and pervasive racism and discrimination. ERRC/PiN interviews with police, NGO’s and anti-trafficking experts revealed that Roma are perceived to represent 50-80% of victims in Bulgaria, 40-80% in Hungary and up to 70% of victims in certain parts of the Czech Republic.The aim of the conference is to discuss preliminary research results and obtain feedback on a draft English-language cross-country report. The draft report will be disseminated prior to the conference to confirmed participants. Following the conference, the report will be finalised and published in 2011.


10-12 December 2010, Barcelona, Spain

The International Protection of Refugees

This corse, organized by ECRE, will examine refugee law in the context of both European and International human rights law. The course is dedicated on the study of the definition of a refugee and exceptions to that definition in the 1951 Geneva Convention and other relevant human rights treaties and EU legislation. It will also focus on the fundamental right of non-refoulement. Finally it will explore the issue of statelessness. This is an introductory course aimed at legal practitioners and lawyers from across Europe who defend or who are interested in defending cases concerning refugees and asylum seekers.


17 December 2010, Naples, Italy

First AIESEC Italy national event of the “Youth Driven Sustainable Change Initiative”

The initiative “Youth Driven Sustainable Change” has been created as a project to integrate students, universities and companies in a path through sustainability issue. Currently it flows into a concrete activities on the three subtopics of ecology, economy and equity. The 1st National event of AIESEC’s initiative is a national conference, that will take place on the 17 of December in Naples Federico II university. An entire day to exchange experiences, to dialogue and interact with students and companies. It’s the biggest employer branding and talent attraction event of AIESEC Italy. During the entire day all AIESEC Italy partners will share their knowledge and opinions with students from Naples and AIESEC members from 17 different cities on corporate social responsibility and on the sustainability issue. It is a great opportunity to network with companies and to attract talent. During the day there will be the opportunity for all the students to leave their cvs to the biggest Italian companies. All the contents of the event will be collected and published in the “Sustainable Guide: work with business to create a right and sustainable world.” To register to the conference, go to the 


18 December, worldwide 

International Migrants Day

On 4 December 2000, the UN General Assembly, taking into account the large and increasing number of migrants in the world, proclaimed 18 December International Migrants Day. On that day, in 1990, the Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations are invited to observe International Migrants Day through the dissemination of information on the human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants, and through the sharing of experiences and the design of actions to ensure their protection.


31 December 2010, Tallin, Estonia

Introduction of the Euro in Estonia: Festivities

As of 1 January 2011, Estonia will become a member of the euro area. At the same time, in 2011 Tallinn, Estonia’s capital, will become the European Capital of Culture. To mark both these events, an opening ceremony featuring an evening concert and fireworks will take place in the city.

In cooperation with the Estonia National Opera and the Estonian Public Broadcasting a party programme is being compiled with the legendary folk band Kukerpillid, rock favourite Tanel Padar & The Sun and IIRIS, who has turned the Estonian pop scene inside out.

The Theatre Square will house ‘culture kiosks’ for one night and the outdoor screens will transmit the New Year’s Eve programme on Estonian TV. Through special screens people on the Theatre Square can be part of the Estonia Ball, the afterparty of the international theatre festival ‘A Winter Nights Dream’ in the City Theatre, as well as events going on in the NO99 Straw Theatre, New World Community and CAME (Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia) by the seaside. At midnight two spectacular fireworks displays will flare up over the brand new Capital of Culture.

The opening ceremony of the European Capital of Culture is being arranged by Tallinn 2011 Foundation, Estonia National Opera and Estonian Public Broadcasting in cooperation with Government Office, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, City of Tallinn, Bank of Estonia and Solaris.

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