
CSO Consultation on the Draft Charter on the Rights and Responsibilities of Volunteers

19 August 2011, Brussels, Belgium: a consultation on rights and responsibilities of volunteers

di Cristina Barbetta

19 August 2011, Brussles, Belgium
CSO Consultation on the Draft Charter on the Rights and Responsibilities of Volunteers
The European Year of Volunteering 2011, the 10th anniversary of the United Nations International Year of Volunteering 2001 and the Council of Europe Report “Promoting Volunteering in Europe1”, together create a unique momentum to work to improve and increase volunteering in Europe. Therefore the YFJ would like to invite you, as Civil Society Organisations, volunteering providers and most relevant stakeholders, in this process to reflect together on the rights and responsibilities of volunteers.
To read more: http://www.euclidnetwork.eu/events.php/en/

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