Non profit

Crans Montana Forum, tomorrow

The exceptional session of the Crans Montana Forum will take place from October 7 to 10, 2008 in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

di Staff

The event will take place under the outstanding patronage of the three Prime Ministers, Mr. Nikola Spiric Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Nedzad Brankovic Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mr. Milorad Dodik Prime Minister of the Republika Srpska.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has become a major point of gravitation in South-Eastern Europe. Its exemplary political stability allows great prospects for Economic development. The Foreign Investment climate is excellent and many international operators are already active in the country.

The aim of the Crans Montana Forum in Sarajevo is to present key opportunities in terms of joint ventures and Foreign Direct Investment. Major strategic issues will be addressed: Transport Networks, Energy Production & Distribution, Network Integration, Telecommunications and ICT, Tourism, Industrial and Economic Infrastructures, Project Funding (including PPPs). In addition, a “Trade Capacity Building Programme” will be proposed at a regional level.

Business leaders from Europe and around the World, High Level Representatives of European Governments and Representatives of International Organisations will meet

  • the Government of Bosnia & Herzegovina and the High Level Officials
  • the key local Business representatives
  • Representatives of South Eastern European other States who are also participating on the occasion of this major event.

Dates & Venue: October 7 to 10, 2008 in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

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