Bringing to the fore all the innovative buzz going on in Europe and in Central Asia and help innovators connect with like-minded people. This is the mission of
Smartup Eurasia, a crowd map (it can be updated by anyone) created to provide a tool for sharing and learning about social innovation events in Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Events that can be mapped include: Hackathons, Social innovation labs, Open government conferences and Startup weekends.
Smartup eurasia will enable interested innovators to reach out to like-minded people in the region and invite them to explore new ideas and create innovative ways of approaching social problems. Also, the map makes events more visible and gives innovators the opportunity to learn about interesting social innovation events around them.
Ideally, this platform will become a networking space for people who want to do more and search for new, sustainable ways of developing communities, countries and eventually the whole Eurasia region.
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