Non profit
Congo: Appeal to civil society
Don't stand and watch: sign VitaEurope's petition to stop war in Congo and halt the humanitarian crisis.
di Staff

A silent genocide.
Aid and missionary workers on the field in the Democratic Republic of Congo have used these words to describe the tragedy unfolding before their eyes, particularly in the North Kivu region where increasing reports of violence, fighting, cases of malnutrition, rape and abduction are being reported. More than 250,000 people have been forced to flee their homes because of fighting in recent weeks, adding to more than 1 million people already displaced. Civil society fears that this humanitarian tragedy risks escalating into a repeat of the devastating1998-2003 war that caused over 3.5 million deaths.
Aid agencies, NGOs and non profit organisations across Europe are appealing to politicians to not just stand and watch as the crisis worsens.
VitaEurope and VITA Non Profit (Italy) are collecting signatures for a petition (you can download it from the toolbar by clicking on attachment). Adhere today by writing to – we already have over 100 signatures including Amnesty Italy, WWF Italy and Save the Children Italy.
Other ways to take action are:
* Sign up for alerts, spread the word and donate at:
* Keep in touch with the latest news from the field:
* Sign Amnesty International’s petition: here
Act now: sign VitaEurope and VITA’s petition to stop the crisis in Congo – to sign on send your name and the organisation you work for to
So far the following people have signed our appeal:
Civil soceity
Paolo Pobbiati – President Amnesty International
Sergio Marelli – President Associazione Ong Italiane
Riccardo Moro – Director Fondazione Giustizia E Solidarietà
Chiara Castellani – Volonteer in Kimbau (R.D.Congo)
Renato Kizito Sesana – Missionary
Giulio Albanese – Editor
Franco Moretti – Director Nigrizia
Arturo Alberti – President Avsi
Enzo Venini – President Wwf Italia
Valerio Neri – General Director Save The Children Italia
Fabio Pipinato – Director Unimondo
Franco Colizzi – President Aifo
Massimo Zortea – President Vis
Flavio Lotti – President Tavola Della Pace
Goffredo Modena – Aiutare I Bambini Foundation
Nicoletta Dentico – Mani Tese
Paolo Branca – Cattolica University, Milan
Gerolamo Fazzini – Editorial Director Mondo E Missione – Pime
Marian Ismail – Donne In Rete Per Lo Sviluppo E La Pace, Association
Mariateresa Ratti – Centro Comunicazione combonifem, Verona
Silvia Pochettino – DirectorVolontari Per Lo Sviluppo
Claudio Maggioni – President Cuore Fratello
Francesco Cavalli – Ilaria Alpi E, Association
Angelo Locatelli – President of Acra
Nino Sergi – General Secretary Intersos
Laura Kiss – President, World Centers of Compassion for Children Italia Onlus
Gianni De Michelis – Ipalmo President
Massimo Lori – Istat
Savino Pezzotta (Senator Udc)
Enrico Pianetta (Senator Pdl)
Jean-Leonard Touadi’ (MP Pd)
Pier Ferdidinando Casini (MP Udc)
Giovanna Melandri (MP Pd)
Maurizio Lupi (Vicepresident Camera Pdl)
Antonio Mazzocchi (MP Pdl )
Maurizio Bernardo (MP Pdl )
Marco Malgaro (MP Pd)
Giovanni Battista Bachelet (MP Pd)
Marianna Madia (MP Pd )
Letizia De Torre (MP Pd)
Ludovico Vico (MP Pd)
Alessandra Siragusa (MP Pd)
Luciano Pizzetti (MP Pd)
Lorenzo Ria (MP Pd)
Mauro Libè (Senator Udc)
Raffaello Vignali (MP Pdl )
Antonio Misiani (MP Pd)
Ivano Strizzalo (MP Pd )
Giovanelli Oriano (MP Pd )
Gian Luca Galletti (MP Udc )
Luciano Ciocchetti (MP Udc )
Paola Binetti (Senator Pd)
Gino Bucchino (MP Pd)
Giuseppe Ruvolo (MP Udc)
Stefano Graziano (MP Pd)
Anna Paola Concia (MP Pd)
Anna Teresa Formisano (MP Udc)
Leoluca Orlando (MP Idv)
Giovanni Sanga (MP Pd)
Laura Froner (MP Pd )
Luisa Capitanio Santolini (MP Udc)
Salvatore Piccolo (MP Pd)
Giuseppe Giulietti (MP Idv)
Calogero Mannino (MP Udc)
Andrea Lulli (MP Pd)
Enrico Farinone (MP Pd)
Olga D’Antona (MP Pd)
David Favìa (MP Idv)
Renato Farina (MP Pdl)
Teresio Delfino (MP Udc)
Pierluigi Castagnetti (MP Pd)
Ermete Realacci (MP Pd)
Roberto Rao (MP Udc)
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