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Conference in Tallinn to promote business ethics

The Estonian capital holds a conference on fair business environment

di Staff

The Estonian Chapter of Transparency International (Korruptsioonivaba Eesti) will host the 2nd Baltic-Nordic conference on business ethics “Promoting Business Ethics: Baltic Challenges, Nordic Experience” on April 24th, 2009 at the Olümpia Conference Centre (Liivalaia 33).

The conference is aimed at entrepreneurs, trade organisations, politicians and officials based in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway. Sweden and Finland. During the session, the state of affairs with implementing good business practices in the region will be discussed. The following issued will be also tackled: what obstacles are there on the way to doing business in a corruption-free way? What role does a code of business ethics play in shaping the business climate? What are the standards and practices in the Baltic and Nordic countries?

A detailed programme can be found in the following attachment: Conference programme.doc.

Transparency International Estonia (TI Estonia) will present draft codes of business ethics codes proposed for several sectors (real estate, medicine, construction).

The conference forms a part of seminars “Fair business environment”, carried out by the Ministry of Justice together with the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and TI Estonia.



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