
Concord calls on Member States

Ahead of the EU Development Ministers meeting, Concord addresses the issues in agenda

di Staff

Right before the EU Development Ministers meeting taking place on July 15, Concord, the European confederation of Relief and Development NGOs, calls on Member States to support the proposal on development funding levels and to take national responsibility to meet their MDG commitments.

Concord also asks Member States to use funds raised with Financial Transaction Tax to tackle poverty and climate change and for CSOs to be recognized as having a central role in development cooperation. This should be translated by including them in the EU Multiannual Financial Framework negotiations.

The confederation also welcomes the proposal to include a clear commitment to the 0.7% GNI development aid targets along with a clear focus on poverty eradication based on democracy, human rights, equality and the respect for the UN Charter and International law.

The organization gathers together 25 national associations and 18 international networks, representing over 1600 NGOs which are supported by millions of citizens across Europe.

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