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Boosting cross-border volunteering in Europe

The European Commission launched an initiative to create more opportunities for young people to volunteer across Europe

di Staff

Young Europeans are increasingly interested in volunteering, and the benefits of participating in voluntary activities are becoming gradually more recognised. However, demand for notably cross-border volunteering opportunities exceeds supply by a considerable margin

On 3 July the Commission launched a proposal for a Council Recommendation on Mobility of Young Volunteers across Europe to promote youth mobility by inviting Member States to further develop the interoperability of national schemes for voluntary activities and to address remaining obstacles to cross-border volunteering.

Interoperability will be achieved by:

• Improving the knowledge of national youth volunteering schemes and cross-border
opportunities of volunteering for young people
• Increasing exchange opportunities for young volunteers
• Assuring a reasonable level of quality in cross-border volunteering activities
• Promoting skills and competence acquired by young volunteers
• Assuring targeted cross-border support for youth workers and for young people with
fewer opportunities

This proposal will be part of the EU’s “Renewed Social Agenda: Opportunities, Access and Solidarity in 21st century Europe” in contributing by opening up new opportunities for mobility, non-formal education and solidarity.

To know more, go to European Commission Youth


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