
Big Lottery Fund names Young People’s Fund recipients

Grants for volunteering, education and training projects

di Staff

The Big Lottery Fund (BLF) has announced the recipients of grants worth more than £52m in total from its Young People’s Fund.

Grants have been awarded to 185 volunteering, education and training projects for young people under the scheme, which aims to support people affected by the recession.

Projects that received grants included the Maidstone Youth Forum, which received £335,802 to set up a new youth café, and Sound It Out Community Music in Birmingham, which was given £101,800 to help young people rehearse, write songs and perform music.

Peter Wanless, chief executive of the Big Lottery Fund, said: “The Big Lottery Fund is giving young people the chance to create and run activities that will directly benefit them in their local area.

“With so many young people unemployed, these initiatives offer hope and opportunity for them to build their skills and boost their employment prospects.”

The BLF‘s Young People’s Fund has distributed more than £150m since it was set up in 2004.




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