Belgrade Pride raring to go

Despite initial doubts over whether the Belgrade Pride would run, organizers announce a date

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

The organizing committee of the Belgrade’s Pride Parade 2011 informed the Ministry of Interior on August 25 that it has scheduled the 2011 Pride for October 2. The Pride Parade will conclude a week of activities and events organized under the auspices of 2011 Pride.

The Organizing Committee announced a series of cultural events and information and education contents while the Pride Forum is expected to gather a large number of international guests and experts that will discuss the importance of the Pride for the LGBTIQ community and share experiences from other countries.

The organizers expressed their satisfaction with the cooperation with state institutions so far and expressed their positive expectations about the work of the Police during the Pride, to ensure full safety and security for the participants.

The organizers also used the opportunity to express their gratitude to the media for the correct reporting and demanded from state and municipal authorities to invest greater effort in protection of rights of LGBTIQ community and invited them to intensify their cooperation with the nongovernmental sector.

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