According to the Plate-forme francophone du Volontariat, volunteers are generally defined as those providing services to others or for the collective interest, without any reward in return, and as part of a structure that goes beyond the simple mutual family or friends (source:; the 3rd
July 2005’s Law on the Status of the Volunteer entered into force on 6 February 2006).
According to the 2007 EESC Report, Belgian FTE volunteers amount to 99,100 units, representing 2.3 % of the total economically active population (aged between 14 and 65 years old; 1995 data). According to existing and more updated studies, there were 1,500,000 volunteers in Belgium for about 150 000 FTE jobs (approximately 5% of employment).
The 32% of the adult population is engaged in some kind of volunteer activity (1999-2001 data).
According to the Centre d’Economie Sociale, HEC – ULg, men, in average, volunteer more than women; the typical volunteer, moreover, usually presents a higher education level (secondary school or university) and he/she usually earns above the average; his/her status is usually of an active (part-time or full-time) person or, in a small percentage, of pensioner; in addition, there is a positive correlation between the engagement in volunteering activities and the fact that a family member is already a volunteer. Ambiguous data are instead delivered as far as the age of the typical volunteer is concerned.
According to the same source (, in 2001 volunteers were mostly engaged in culture, sports and entertainment (69.7%); they were equivalent to 76,000 FTE employees, and they would have cost nearly 2,400 million €: it would have meant – approximately – a 20% increase in the percentage of the third sector on GDP.
Branches |
Nombre de bénévoles |
ETP bénévoles |
ETP bénévoles (en %) |
Imputation monétaire (milliers d’euros) |
1-2.Agric/industrie/services |
347 968 |
12 252 |
16,1% |
358 699 |
3. Education |
10 719 |
394 |
0,5% |
15 462 |
4. Services de santé |
11 406 |
1 159 |
1,5% |
48 814 |
5. Action sociale |
176 231 |
8 863 |
11,6% |
289 159 |
6. Défense des droits |
15 467 |
463 |
0,6% |
17 389 |
7. Culture, sports et loisirs |
604 357 |
53 128 |
69,7% |
1 666 787 |
Total |
1 166 147 |
76 259 |
100,0% |
2 396 310 |
Source : Centre d’Economie Sociale. Ces chiffres sont repris par l’Institut des Comptes Nationaux, Le compte satellite des institutions sans but lucratif – 2000 à 2001, Banque nationale de Belgique, Bruxelles, 2004.
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