Non profit

Belgium: aid to development

di Staff

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published data valid for 2008 that show that the Net Official Development Assistance (ODA) in Belgium amounts to 2,380 million $ (approximately 1,700 million €), that is: 0.47% of the GNI, whereas in 2007 the same figure was 0.43% (corresponding to approximately 1,400 million $; source: OECD, 30th March 2009).

The Belgian ODA/GNI ratio effort is exactly equal to the average DAC countries‘ effort; Sweden and Luxembourg lead the way, respectively with 0.98% and 0.92% of GNI destined to ODA. Japan and the United States have the lowest ODA/GNI ratio: 0.18%, whereas, in Europe, Greece and Italy deliver just a 0.20% of the GNI to the Official Development Assistance (Sources: OECD, 30th March 2009).

Belgium is only in 14th place among the DAC countries as far as the net volume of the ODA is concerned; it is instead 7th considering the ODA/GNI ratio (source: OECD, 30th March 2009).

Considering gross bilateral ODA, according to the OECD – DAC (see figure) the country that receives the most from Belgium is the Democratic Republic of Congo, with 220 million $ (less than 160 million €), followed by Nigeria and Cameroon (respectively with 99 million and 79 million $, circa 70 million and 57 million €). Last in Belgium’s top-10 of recipients is Mozambique with 18 million $, 13 million € circa (source: OECD – DAC, 2006-07 average;

The main destination of ODA are debt relief, which accounts for more than 20%, and the education, health and population sector (accounting for more than 20%, too), as shown in the figure.


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