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Febbraio 2025
24 Novembre 2006
The European Citizen initiative (ECI) is a new campaign aiming to shape an open European public space around citizen real concerns
di Zesst
Three main organizations from France, Italy and Spain will meet on 27, 28, 29 november to set up a new network on Corporate Social Responsability.
European social networks are flourishing. The French union of social action community has created ELISAn. at its past congress in Metz.
25 Ottobre 2006
The European Commission is exploring possible initiatives to develop the role of philantropic organizations as a means of raising additional funds for research and innovation
More and more non profit French projects receive support from business foundations. The new Fondation Veolia Environnement favours initiatives related to sustainable development.
Knowing and approaching European networks even in the social economy is not an easy task. One of the first tours begins with DIESIS
The French government has announced some new provisions for the social economy sector, with the arrival of Frédéric Tiberghien as the new Head of DIES
4 Ottobre 2006
Il Primo ministro francese, Dominique de Villepin, fa entrare il tema dellambiente nel dibattito presidenziale
29 Settembre 2006
EKILIBRE, the second bid launched last june by the Government to help the burgeoning of fair trade, gives a new hope to the non profit sector.
The poor sister of the social economy, or the « économie solidaire », calls for a manifesto addressed to all levels of government to be signed, and for a public forum in Paris
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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