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Febbraio 2025
9 Febbraio 2007
The European Anti Poverty Network urges Member States to demonstrate how the new Lisbon vision can deliver social justice, decent jobs and a better life.
di Zesst
Europe is back in France. Senate voted on 24th January 2007 the application of the new European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation
13 Gennaio 2007
Labelled salary savings funds are just in their infancy. The part dedicated to the socially responsible investment amounts to only 1%.
12 Gennaio 2007
Following the organizations request from "Les Enfants de Don Quichotte", 100 new emergency housing places are to be created in 2007
Tourism is changing a lot in these days. "Meeting the French" allows you to be invited by Parisians in their homes.
11 Gennaio 2007
Only 10,8% of Europeans are in any form of lifelong learning : the European Commission wants to close the skills gap
16 Dicembre 2006
Education Commission is calling the Member States to increase their support to Erasmus for opening it up to a larger range of students
New experiments are contributing to an innovative road-map for the next future of the sector
Eurocities to develop new actions in 2007 to build a more inclusive and sustainable environment for all
The Centre danalyse stratégique will host next year young academics for one year. Applications are welcome.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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