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Febbraio 2025
29 Giugno 2007
July 1st: the day Portugal takes over the presidency of the EU. What is in store? Social responsibility and employment for all
di Zesst
15 Aprile 2007
La Poste group has just be authorized to deliver small loans to not bankable people in all its Banque postale offices
13 Aprile 2007
The presidential campaign does not focus very much on social economy, neither on Europe
12 Aprile 2007
Created in late 2005, the Mont Blanc meetings organization aims to become an alternative to the Davos Forum
16 Marzo 2007
Vita Europe attended the official launch of euclid - the European network of third sector leaders - on 16 March 2007 in Paris. Geneviève Lecamp reports on this major event
15 Marzo 2007
Provence-Côte dAzur, Rhône-Alpes and Liguria, Piemonte and Valle dAosta will be closer ... after the signature on last November of a major transnational agreement.
Social economy leaders would want to be represented in the new government by a junior Minister
14 Marzo 2007
Some years ago, financial institutions were reluctant to commit themselves in microcredit. Its no more the case, thanks to the pioneering association ADIE
10 Febbraio 2007
The main candidates for the Presidency elections are finally submitting their own programme
It responds to the need to articulate better EC research results and local, regional and national policies in the field of social sciences and humanities
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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