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Febbraio 2025
18 Novembre 2007
The strike driven by public transport workers is revealing a major social divide and raising questions on how to handle demographic change and the economic challenges ahead
di Zesst
25 Ottobre 2007
The French president endorses the main conclusions of the Grenelle summit on environment, and announces a new green era of sustainable housing, renewable energy and collective transport
13 Ottobre 2007
The Brussels blame game needs to be dismantled, saysthe European Commission. A new EU communication plan will convey key political messages to citizens.
30 Settembre 2007
Lack of language skills leads to loss of business: this is what emerges from a major European study. What is needed is a change in attitude and more multilingualism
29 Settembre 2007
The provision of financial support to people who were once unemployed and want to set up their own business is no longer a marginal activity, and it works with citizen's savings
25 Settembre 2007
The Secretary of State for European Affairs Jean-Pierre Jouyet has recently outlined the priorities for the July-December 2008 French EU Presidency
16 Settembre 2007
After Sarkozys campaign, France is moving fast for a new five-year plan for the environment.
14 Settembre 2007
As of next year, French residents from less-developed countries will have an incentive to invest in their own countries
12 Settembre 2007
The French think tank Notre Europe has designed a new project to overcome some of the difficulties of European integration
1 Luglio 2007
Commissioner for active solidarities against poverty and ex Emmaus chief experiments a scheme for unskilled workers - a new law by 2008
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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