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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
23 Giugno 2010
Interview with Ariane Arpa, director of Intermòn Oxfam: Robin Hood measures needed to protect the poor
di Vita Sgardello
22 Giugno 2010
Ariane Arpa and Jaume Clupès give their take on the impact the economic crisis is having on the third sector
Interview with Rutger van den Dool, spokesperson for XminusY Solidarity Fund
Interview with Mike Locke, Director of Public Affairs at Volunteering England
17 Giugno 2010
Interview with social entrepreneur Steve Day, who sees the economic crisis as a force for good.
Environmental NGOs celebrate as ban on import and sale of illegal timber in sight.
15 Giugno 2010
In less than 24 hours Greenpeace launches 3 actions that bring the “act” back into activism.
13 Giugno 2010
The quiet that comes before the storm is not so quiet this time round. The coalition government headed by David Cameron announced the country’s emergency budget measures on June 22 and families, companies and charities all have something to say. Britain...
3 Giugno 2010
22 Maggio 2009
Il racconto di un'aspirante investigatrice ambientale
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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