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29 Luglio 2010
With 68 votes to 55 the Catalan parliament has banned bullfighting as of January 1, 2010
di Vita Sgardello
Charities across Britain welcome David Cameron's vision for a bigger, better society but there are doubts
Interview with Mike Locke, Director of Public Affairs at Volunteering England
Interview with Vicki Savage, Programme Leader in local innovation for The Young Foundation
21 Luglio 2010
A nuclear physicist denounces unsafe practices at a Bulgarian nuclear power plant but European institutions are deaf to his pleas.
19 Luglio 2010
Gambling with food prices. The World Development Movement points its finger at banks and hedge funds.
14 Luglio 2010
Half an egg is better than an empty shell, goes the saying. But will half an egg feed civil society amidst hard times?
2 Luglio 2010
Spanish third sector realigns its goals in view of the crisis. Interview with Fedaia's Jaume Clupès.
30 Giugno 2010
Civil society not impressed by Zapatero's presidency
28 Giugno 2010
Economics alone won't get you on to South Africa's stock exchange. Today you need environmental numbers too.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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