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Marzo 2025
2 Novembre 2010
British inmates are to have the right to vote following the lifting of a 140-year ban.
di Vita Sgardello
7 Ottobre 2010
Graphic design and environmental awareness have more in common that what meets the eye
1 Ottobre 2010
Parla T.V. Raman, capo dell'accessibility team Google
24 Settembre 2010
Technology can help people with disabilities to see, hear and move around the city with a click of the mouse. Literally.
22 Settembre 2010
Interview with Mariam Sherifay of the Centre Against Racism on the results of the national elections
National election results rock a once-stable country. Thousands march against the far-right.
24 Agosto 2010
The Green Book. A play remembers the days when there were guide books for African-American motorists
18 Agosto 2010
An Italian national park is to be the home of the world's largest living cathedral, entirely made of … trees!
Around the world in 80 days? Four zero-emissions cars race each other in the greenest global challenge yet
4 Agosto 2010
Fraudsters may be making up to £100 million year by claiming Gift Aid on bogus donations
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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