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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
12 Gennaio 2011
Congratulations Sir Stephen! Acevo's chief executive is knighted in the New Years Honours List
di Vita Sgardello
14 Dicembre 2010
Environmental groups declare the climate deal achieved after 14 days of negotiations in Mexico weak but not a complete failure
6 Dicembre 2010
Is internet a human right? According to one NGO it is and their mission is ensuring that everyone can surf the web, for free
2 Dicembre 2010
A social network for activists that promises to be better than the rest. If Obama's online campaign is anything to go by it will be.
30 Novembre 2010
Black-out sui social network. Lady GaGa, Alicia Keys & Co spariranno dal Web contro l'Aids
22 Novembre 2010
Supernanas. How to get your kids to sleep, have fun and give to charity in one fell swoop.
Eradicating ecocide, by Polly Higgins, may one day be remembered as the book that changed the world
17 Novembre 2010
A volunteer project aimed at providing the blind and visually impaired with audio text books launched online
5 Novembre 2010
Movember. A moustache growing charity event held in November that raises funds for men's health
3 Novembre 2010
A brand new computer game called Fate of the World uses global warming as the scenario for its adventure
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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