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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
13 Maggio 2011
2010 saw fair trade sales hit the 3 million euro mark, 60 per cent up from previous years
di Vita Sgardello
Polonia la campagna "Pomagam bo!"
3 Maggio 2011
A Trinity College survey finds answers to the 5Ws of social enterprise in Ireland
2 Maggio 2011
This week, Europe will watch the first solar powered airplane fly from Switzerland to Belgium
19 Aprile 2011
Thousands visited Milan last week during the 50th Furniture Fair. But the Fringe festival stole the show
15 Aprile 2011
Interview with Emiliano Cecchini who is leading Italy's "off the grid revolution"
12 Aprile 2011
A blogging competition, Facebook page and NGOs with a common goal: to stimulate active citizenship
4 Aprile 2011
One Minutes Jr: a video competition for young people from around the world. Deadline for submissions: June 1
On the day for mine awareness the UN calls for 500 million dollars to fund projects in 2011
28 Febbraio 2011
A new report is being dubbed as the most in depth survey into attitude, identity and extremism to date
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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