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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
14 Ottobre 2007
Panos is a global network that draws on media sources in the developing world to foster change through communication and active participation to development
di Vita Sgardello
10 Ottobre 2007
Dora Montagna is Italian but spends most of her time in Poland these days. Why Poland? Because it is there that she has founded a foundation for freedom, Fundacja dla Wolnosci ...
8 Ottobre 2007
The world's smallest republic, San Marino, has inaugurated its first bank entirely designed to meet the needs of the disabled, an example for Italy to follow
4 Ottobre 2007
The Centre for Nonprofit Management at Trinity College Dublin has published the most extensive study on fundraising in Ireland. Download it here
30 Settembre 2007
What first started out as a street magazine in 1993 has now become a real promotor of social inclusion, intervention and change ...
27 Settembre 2007
The first ever virtual strike took place on Second Life: nearly 2000 people from 30 different countries picked up their virtual pickets to protest against IBM
12 Settembre 2007
28 third sector organisations from across Italy are campaigning against GM crops. They aim to collect 3 million signatures in sixty days and to veto GM crops in European soil
11 Settembre 2007
Dame Anita Roddick, who championed environmental causes and promoted natural products in cosmetics died in the evening of Monday 10th September at St Richard's hospital, Chichister
19 Luglio 2007
A recent survey conducted by the Nef has revealed that Europe's carbon efficiency index is worse off than in the 60's ... and that people aren't as happy
16 Luglio 2007
CEV is an umbrella organisation that represents the voice of more than 100 million European volunteers and works to promote the right and opportunity to volunteer ...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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