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Marzo 2025
13 Dicembre 2007
Spanish environmental NGO Ecologistas en Acciòn criticises the Treaty of Lisbon signed by EU leaders on the 13th December: it is unsustainable and undemocratic
di Vita Sgardello
12 Dicembre 2007
The Spanish online market has much to offer the socially minded shopper. If you are looking for anything from funky to low key with eye on its impact check this out!
11 Dicembre 2007
Good practices from Denmark are about to conquer Europe. Soon a new fundraising initiative will take off that will raise funds for charity online
6 Dicembre 2007
Civil society's strategy to save the planet
4 Dicembre 2007
Rich to pick up bill for climate change. 50 billion dollars per year. This is the price of climate change in developing countries. Who should pay? According to Oxfam industrialised countries
To keep temperatures from rising more than 2°C Greenpeace proposes a 10 year strategy that will help rich countries slash emissions and provide funds for poor nations to stop deforestation
African Biodiversity Network wants moratorium on biofuels. A united appeal from the ABN and 5 northern and southern NGOs: an immediate end to biofuels. Why? Because they are not the answer but one of the causes of global warming
27 Novembre 2007
Talia Delgado, 29, is Spanish, but against all migratory trends has decided to settle in Romania, where she is pursuing her career as a young social entrepreneur
23 Novembre 2007
Criss, l'ong che trova scuola per tutti
18 Novembre 2007
A brand new website, CARMA, displays reliable and up to date information of the CO2 emissions of 55,000 power plants across 200,000 world regions
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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