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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
3 Febbraio 2008
A new campaign launched by Greenpeace called Seafood See Life at Old Billingsgate Fish Market in London on 30th January aims to change the way chefs cook for good
di Vita Sgardello
21 Gennaio 2008, the first interactive online community for world wide emergency relief that aims to reduce the impact of emergency situations on local communities.
18 Gennaio 2008
Agnieszka Rymsza manages the advocacy team at the Synapsis Foundation, an organisation that helps people with autism. She recently set up a very special social enterprise ...
16 Gennaio 2008
Méabh Mc Mahon is only 24, but she almost single-handedly runs one of the most innovative and intelligent media initiatives on offer for European youth today...
15 Gennaio 2008
Planting trees on secondlife to reduce C02 emissions. Although it sounds like a round about way of stopping climate change it actually works. Here is how
11 Gennaio 2008
A week from this years World Social Forum Vita Europe launches a debate on today's organised social movements. Whether you will be at the WSF or not, send us your side of the story!
9 Gennaio 2008
As of the 1st of January coal and electricity will be eco-taxed. The government and the environment certainly stand to gain, but who looses out?
8 Gennaio 2008
The European year of intercultural dialogue is officially inaugurated in Ljubljana today, 8th January by the President of the Commission and the Slovenian prime minister
7 Gennaio 2008
A University Challenge with a difference is being launched by global leaders of social change Ashoka and Ashoka Changemakers. Students, professors and alumni are called on to take action
13 Dicembre 2007
Spanish environmental NGO Ecologistas en Acciòn criticises the Treaty of Lisbon signed by EU leaders on the 13th December: it is unsustainable and undemocratic
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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