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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
7 Marzo 2008
Anna Dobrovolskaya, of the Youth Human Rights Movement sheds light Russian civil society's challenges: public opinion, the governmnet and the "motivational crisis"
di Vita Sgardello
4 Marzo 2008
Special Report: Spain/ Surprisingly there is no official data relating to the Spanish third sector for 2004-2008, which makes changes hard to quantify. But there is good news...
2 Marzo 2008
A smile can save the world. This is the simple yet effective principle that "clown therapy" relies upon. But how does it really work?
1 Marzo 2008
Towards a career with the UN: Step six, working with languages
Towards a career with the UN: Step five, the associate experts programme
27 Febbraio 2008
Artan Rogova, an ambitious 21 year old works as an analyst and researcher of economic policies in the Group for Legal and Political Studies, a non profit organization based in Kosovo
19 Febbraio 2008
Active citizenship, democracy, opportunities, hope. These are the words that Kosovan youth associate to their self proclaimed independence. And a way to forget their past...
5 Febbraio 2008
Adriano Farano is 28, Italian, and 7 years ago he helped to found an online European magazine that he now runs in Paris. How? It all began on an Erasmus in Strasbourg ... has baptised them the Eurogeneration, but who are they? Meet Jean-Sébastien and Natalia, two young Europeans who believe that there is more to Europe than what meets the eye
4 Febbraio 2008
Who ever said that Facebook was just a way of keeping in touch with your buddies? NGOs are all jumping onto the social networking bandwagon in a big way these days ...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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