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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
30 Marzo 2008
As the conference in which innovative ways to enhance local development in Central and Eastern Europe being organised by Euclid nears, we meet the head of Csr of Hungary's largest bank
di Vita Sgardello
24 Marzo 2008
In view of Euclid's European conference on local development to be held in Budapest in April, Vita Europe meets keynote speaker Peter Nizak, an expert in the field
20 Marzo 2008
Youth in Turkey: with this report the UNDP launches youth into the centre stage. Youth is the key to Turkish development & more than 4 thousand youths become UN researchers...
Monika Oelz introduces Vita Europe's newest partners,, Europe's multilingual magazine, community and the first truly participatory media of its kind...
19 Marzo 2008
Sir Richard Jolly, British academician and leading proponent of human development trained an unusual team of "experts" for Turkey's 2008 human development report...
18 Marzo 2008
Aid agencies and the Guardian have joined forces to host a competition for aspiring journalists to write about the Millenium Development Goals
17 Marzo 2008 is more than a Facebook for charities. It is a highly functional and innovative fundraising tool that also connects and informs charities with their fundraisers
12 Marzo 2008
During a meeting in Padova Italian development NGOs asked the leader of the Democratic Party to agree to four development goals should the elections sway their way, and he did ...
8 Marzo 2008
These are the faces of today's change makers: Selene, Andrea, Dora, Anna, Sirin. Four women who share a common future and are determined to shape their own, un-ltd careers
Four women who share a common future and are determined to shape their own, un-ltd careers
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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