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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
1 Maggio 2008
Towards a career with the UN: Step two, how it works...
di Vita Sgardello
Towards a career with the UN: Step one, understanding what it is.
30 Aprile 2008
On May 1st it is up to 5.5 million Londoners to decide who is to govern one of the world's most powerful cities. Whatever their choice, the third sector has made it onto the agenda.
23 Aprile 2008
The key to sustainable development? Making the right choices and not compromising the future of generations to come. Founder of sustainability network iNSnet, warns us not to fall into the "easy solu
18 Aprile 2008
Oxfam International and their Italian partners Ucodep opened a campaigns office near Rome in January. Four months on Vita Europe meets their Media officer to find out what it takes ...
13 Aprile 2008
Thousands flock to participate and watch London's yearly marathon, that raises millions for charity. But while not exactly a shady business, there are questions of transparency and equity...
11 Aprile 2008
Italian citizens will flock to the polls on April 13-14 to vote in Italys general elections. But the third sector already knows what it expects from the winners. This is their manifesto.
6 Aprile 2008
This year the World Health Organisation has chosen climate change as the theme for world health day. Here is a guide to the resources and best practices related to the day's activities
2 Aprile 2008
Vita Europe meets The Charity Bank's Chief executive to discuss the challenges of social finance, philanthro-capitalism and local development in the Eastern European region
31 Marzo 2008
Astrid Aafjes, with a background in gender and human rights, founded Women Win in 2007, an organisation that promotes gender equity through sports...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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