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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
29 Maggio 2008
World leaders and the representatives of 191 nations agree that immediate action must be taken to halt loss of biodiversity. But NGOs call for greater funds and equitable strategies
di Vita Sgardello
27 Maggio 2008
Amnesty International's report 2008: State of the World's Human Rights, published today, shows that 60 years of human rights have failed. The NGO challenged governments to apologise
Unlike commercial advertising, non profit ads aim to connect us to the rest of the world and stimulate us to act:, the place where marketing and activism collide
22 Maggio 2008
"Voluntary work is the soul of the third sector", says third sector expert Jacob Beijer. Especially in Sweden, where 75% of the third sector's work force are volunteers
21 Maggio 2008
Two Italian NGO volunteers and one of their Somali colleagues have been kidnapped by armed men in Somalias Shabelle region, reported local security services sources
20 Maggio 2008
After the success of micro-finance, now come the micro-volunteers: people who volunteer minutes of their day to perform micro-tasks for NGOs, anything from designing a logo to rescuing a webpage...
19 Maggio 2008
Tired of seeing only war, hunger and poverty, in the news headlines? Look no further. A new kind of news - good news - is painted on the faces of the world's emerging social media...
The Climate Savers Computing Initiative, promoted by Google and Intel in the spirit of WWFs Climate Savers program, has launched its new website packed full of best green practices
1 Maggio 2008
Towards a career with the UN: Step four, internships
Towards a career with the UN: Step three, what are they looking for?
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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