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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
10 Settembre 2008
Mose project partner Ah Lian Kor presents the results of her research on the third sector in Europe
di Vita Sgardello
One of the Mose project partners explains the results of the comparitive analysis on Europe's third sector
8 Settembre 2008
Coinciding with the anniversary of the UN Millennium declaration, Spain celebrates September 8 as a day dedicated to all NGO workers.
21 Agosto 2008
The World Wildlife Fund takes the centre stage at world water week in Stockholm, an annual event co-ordinated by the Stockholm International Water Institute and the recognised venue for global water issues.
20 Agosto 2008
Human rights NGO calls on top Olympic sponsors to back the introduction of a permanent Olympic rights monitor and criticises them for failing to speak up for human rights.
10 Agosto 2008
Today’s young activists meet to exchange their experiences and best practices and to claim their place in history as the Regeneration …
6 Agosto 2008
An integrated plan to tackle human rights has been approved by Spanish leaders that aims to guarantee the highest human rights standards across all fields of governance.
5 Agosto 2008
A UK company launches the first fairtrade condom
4 Agosto 2008
A guide for reporters writing about the games set to kick off on August 8 in Beijing.
This year, Mexico City is hosting the International AIDS conference that sets out to tackle today's challenges in fighting AIDS.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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