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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
27 Ottobre 2008
Interview with Mario Sepi, for the next two years he will lead the EESC in its mission to speak out for civil society in Europe
di Vita Sgardello
21 Ottobre 2008
The EC and EESC celebrate a signing ceremony on October 21 of the Europa Diary project in Brussels.
19 Ottobre 2008
Anyone interested in finding out more about the third sector in Spain but doesn't speak Spanish can, for the whole month of September, read Spain's third sector review in English.
17 Ottobre 2008
Oxfam International and Ucodep, their Italian campaigning partners, have launched the Italian leg of their global FOR ALL campaign. Here are there testimonials.
14 Ottobre 2008
Vita Europe meets the founder and director of the Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation in the last chapter of our four part focus on local development in Central & Eastern Europe
10 Ottobre 2008
A simple idea turned into an exciting social enterprise. Meet the head of education of London based social enterprise We Are What We Do
Journalist by profession but with a very clear goal in mind: to help make the world a better place.
1 Ottobre 2008
A closer look at civil society's role in helping the elderly ... and the contribution they can (and do) still make
27 Settembre 2008
Spotlight on the elderly in view of October 1, the international day for older people.
12 Settembre 2008
Often shunned by innovators, franchising is being launched as the most effective means of ensuring social impact .
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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