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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
15 Dicembre 2008
The Fèlix Rodriguez de la Fuente Foundation has launched an online communication platform that aims to collect generations old rural knowledge of the environment before it disappears along with Spain’s last shepherds and artisans.
di Vita Sgardello
23 Novembre 2008
A multiethnic orchestra that has travelled the world, overtaking borders, frontiers but most of all barriers. A debate in Brussels at the EESC takes a closer look at intercultural dialogue in Europe today.
16 Novembre 2008
Biofuels cause hunger and poverty, says Action Aid.
15 Novembre 2008
Raising awareness on global sanitation.
12 Novembre 2008
Sign Amnesty International's petition asking the US President Elect to act quickly on human rights.
An Acevo survey reveals the growing gap between executive salaries for men and women and also casts worrying light on lack of ethnic representation on charity trustee boards.
11 Novembre 2008
Award winning social enterprise Special Stories, introduces children to health and social issues through books that specifically tackle difficult subjects in a friendly way.
With this special report, VitaEurope takes a look at what civil society has to say about the US president elect, Barack Obama.
5 Novembre 2008
Ron Robins is British by birth but lives in Canda. He is a pioneer, not because he chose to migrate, but because he is the founder of a movement that seeks to enlighten the world's financial moovers and shakers ...
29 Ottobre 2008
Businesses have come under fire in Sweden for not respecting the country's gender equality policy
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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